Random Word API



Returns all stored words. This will be a huge data dump and will take a long time to fetch and will probably slow down your application.


Return one stored word randomly. Options can be further specified, see the parameters menu.


Return a list of stored language codes. Useful if you want a multilanguage app. See GitHub to find out how to add your own.


The parameters can be combined.


Sets the number of requested words. If it exceeds the maximum stored amount, it will just return all of them.

For example: https://random-word-api.herokuapp.com/word?number=42 would return 42 words.


Sets the length of requested words. This will only return words that contain x amount of letters.

For example: https://random-word-api.herokuapp.com/word?length=7 would return a word with a length of seven.


Sets the language of requested words. Currently supported languages:

For example: https://random-word-api.herokuapp.com/all?lang=zh would return all Chinese words.

How To Add You Own language

This project is on GitHub. File a PR with your favourite language!